If we don't learn to change the way we think, we won't be able to solve the problems we create because of the way we think

Albert Einstein



The institution of Integration Classes has been running in our school since 2006 until today.

Purpose of Integration Classes

In the Integration Classes, students with disabilities or special educational needs study for a certain number of hours per week. The majority of them are students with learning difficulties, behavior problems and low school performance.

Students can study in the Integration Classes or with an opinion from a diagnostic body either without, as long as the parents apply for it and they give an Official Declaration and the school's Special Education advisor consents.

Operation of integration classes

Teaching in the Integration Classes can be done "one-on-one" between teacher and student or take place in small groups of students. The students studying in the Integration Classes are clearly fewer in number than those in the General Class, while the teaching and learning paces are more relaxed and slower. In the Integration Classes, many supervisory tools and alternative learning methods are used, such as educational games, dramatization, computer learning, etc.


The space in which the Integration Classes are housed differs from the General Education classes. Although smaller in size, they are fully equipped and have sufficient supervisory material, so that teaching is done in an easier and understandable way.